English Track : My Fall Semester

bandeau english track TEM

I started the English track program last semester and it’s time now to do a point about this.

An important fact in the English Track class is that French students are mixed with foreign students which are doing their exchange in France. Most of them came from Asia, especially from India and the Philippines.


Most of the courses studied were general (Human Resources, International Business, International Accounting, Innovation Management, Business and Service Marketing, …)  and followed theTelecom Business School French program. The advantage, compared to the first year at Telecom Business School was the studies of few courses, the exams and then, started other courses.

Most of notation criteria were both a presentation and a final writing exam. In this way, we did many group cases to present in class. To my mind, the most interesting and hardest one was in “International Business” where we had to analyze a company and anticipate its international evolution for the next five years. With my group, we studied Yum! Brand (KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell) and it was very interesting because we could compare the different strategies developed all around the world and  analyze them to give our predictions.


A very good course was also “Management Techniques and Human Resources Management” which considered all the human process in the different companies. The most interesting part of this course was the comparisons between all the nationalities in the class.

During this semester, I had the opportunity to work with foreign people (most of professors wanted mixed group for the group work) and to see how they work. In France, most of us are working just the minimum to succeed to their exams but in India for example, they work very hard to be the best of the promotion. Sometimes, it was very difficult to coordinate our work because foreign people are travelling during the weekend. It’s even more difficult when you are involved in one or more associations because you have just the time to work during the weekend…

Finally, I found this semester very useful for me because I felt a progress in my English, especially in comprehension and in public speaking thanks to all the presentations. I saw my increasing results thanks to the TOEFL. You can compare my two results, with the same level of training.


March 2013

December 2013
















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