Archives du mot-clé anglais

Mon passage du TOEIC

Après mon retour, j’ai décidé de passer le test d’anglais appelé TOEIC communément demandé par les entreprises. Ce test (dont vous pouvez découvrir les subtilités sur le site demande quand même une certaine préparation. Ce score TOEIC est aussi demandé par mon école pour valider le diplôme.


Pour ma part, j’étais un peu stressée (lorsqu’il y a un enjeu, le stress est forcément là !) mais j’étais aussi confiante car j’avais bénéficié de la meilleure préparation possible : l’immersion à l’étranger. J’ai appréhendé l’épreuve en étudiant sa forme (les différentes parties en détails, les règles et la forme à respecter).

Pour cela, j’ai utilisé Internet avec les sites ainsi qu’ Lire des témoignages m’a permis d’être plus sûre de moi. Mon conseil est vraiment de s’entraîner sur des tests blancs comme ceux de LONGMANN. Ils sont vraiment bien (j’en ai fait un qui m’a permis de me mettre en conditions réelles).

Si vous avez un petit niveau, n’hésitez pas à regarder séries, films en VOST et à écouter les radios anglaises.

Pour ma part, l’examen s’est bien déroulé. J’avais rendez-vous rue Taitbout à Paris : arrivée en avance comme indiqué sur la convocation, j’ai été m’installer dans la salle à ma table attribuée. Les règles sont strictes : ne pas écrire sur le fascicule par exemple !

L’épreuve a duré 2 heures. Je l’ai trouvée plutôt simple. Le problème reste la concentration si vous n’avez pas l’habitude d’écouter de l’anglais ou d’en lire. Les termes business très techniques peuvent poser problème à certains. Le surveillant indique lorsqu’il vous reste 30, 15 puis 5 minutes pour que vous puissiez gérer votre temps. Il ne faut surtout pas oublier sa carte d’identité et sa carte étudiante.

J’ai reçu le score 2 semaines après par courrier (correction normale). Mon score est de 965 sur 990, valable deux ans. Si j’ai obtenu tous les points de la partie Listening, j’ai commis quelques petites erreurs en Reading. Malgré tout je suis ravie d’avoir obtenu ce score.

Initiation Day (Fraternity Delta Sigma Pi)


Yesterday was my first initiation as a brother of Delta Sigma Pi. I should tell you that it is an amazing experience to be on the other side… It is less stressful obviously. I have never experimented something like that before. I will not explain to you what is exactly initiation in details because I am not allowed to. Indeed, being a brother is the only way to figure out what is the process to become a brother. That was my first and last initiation as a brother… so emotional! (Business professional attire was required)

Me and my chinese brother Zhenni

I could not stop thinking that I had just one month left here… Time flies. I keep in mind that everything is going to be over soon. American people tend to exaggerate by saying “this is the saddest thing ever!” This time, I totally agree with them… I don’t say that I am not happy to come back home. As a matter of fact, I miss my family and my country. However, this experience has been exceptional and I have learnt so much about me. Anyway, let’s talk about the initiation and stop digressing.

After 12 weeks of pledge process, which means “promesse” in French, the chapter determines if each pledge is ready to become a brother through a voting meeting. A few days after, the ceremony takes place on campus. As far as I am concerned, I got initiated in November during Fall 2013 but not at IUPUI. I missed that ceremony so I got to go on another campus at Bloomington. I was not alone so this experience allowed me to discover a new city! It was still Indiana University but another campus. Business clothes are almost always required as you can see on pictures.

All the brothers

What I can tell, and with a great enthusiasm, is that it is again a new event to meet people and to enjoy your time. I am really glad that I could meet my new brothers. Even if you don’t know them, you are related to each other through the fraternity. That’s it. Everyone depends on you and you depend of them.


After this initiation, we went to a social event mixed with Relay of Life. Relay for Life is a  overnight fundraising event dedicated to raise money for cancer research.

The opportunity to share great moments with your brothers and to support a noble cause is real. It lasts 10 hours from 5 pm to 5 am. I stayed a little bit but at midnight, my entire body was exhausted (and frozen!). After my great performance at the Zumba activity at 11:30pm, I almost fell down and then I decided to come back home. The brutal winter in Indianapolis is not totally over!

Having a rich social life makes you feel alive here. All American students are involved in at least one student club. If you have the opportunity to join one of them, wherever you are in the US, grasp it and be really involved. It is the “win win” principle: the more you give, the more you get. 

Pictures taken by Maria L. and Zhenni L.

The main differences between France and the USA (Studies)- US side

I posted an article on the Kelleybizblog about the French side. Now, I think it would be nice for you to know more about the US Side.

First of all, when you get admitted at a business school in the US, you follow a program where you may be able to choose your classes. In addition, you can choose a class not related to your major. Obviously, a student can organize his class schedule like he wants to. When you only have 4 classes, I admit it’s very nice! A student might decide to be graduated one semester later in order to take less classes the semester before, if he knows he will be busy.

Then, exams are really different. In the USA, your exams last mostly 1 hour. Multiple-choice questions and short answer questions are asked. Sometimes you have to write more than that but it is rare. Your home assignments must be between 3/5 pages with a double space.  If you want to know more about grades, you can figure it out on my last article. However, I noticed that American people tend to study at the very last minute… not easy to organize your work!

Consequently, professors grade your exams quickly. I see a lot of American students who are looking forward to hearing back from their professor about exams. After one week, they are so impatient! In France, you have to wait at least one month to get your results. One month is generally the shortest time. I love the fact that you know if you have passed almost immediately thanks to this system.

Then, professors don’t change exams each year. There is actually a risk of copy but students have to give the exam back immediately after seeing it to the professor.

The main difference is about the price of the university. In France, universities are almost free for everybody (almost 300 euros for one year and you also have your health insurance provided). Buildings are not modern at all and it is really hard to find a printer for instance! You don’t have the best conditions to study but you can study anyway! I have to tell you one more thing: business schools are private in France so they are not related to universities. Business schools cost between 5000 and 15000 euros per year. Consequently, it is most of the time better to study there because you get better conditions to study and you get the network! In the USA, you pay 15 000$ per semester, and if you are an international student, it is the double of the initial price.

Last but not least, US companies care about your grades while they are recruiting. They usually require a 3.0 GPA which is not too hard to get if you are serious.  Your school and its ranking are not as so important. Then they look at your experiences and skills as well. Of course, it depends on the company’s culture and size. It is also common here to have a part-time job while studying. They are at the same time involved in student clubs. An american student life is so BUSY ! They all have one or two part-time jobs.

I would not say it is a better system than in France. It is merely different and I enjoy studying in a new and international environment. I hope I could provide you information about the US system. Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions!


100th article: « Meet the chapter »

Hello everyone, I am glad to write you a new article, the first one in the US for the year 2014 (Happy New Year!). I finally arrived last week to a -20 degree weather… I must add that American people have never seen such a bitter cold weather since 20 years. Well, for my 100th article, I wanted to write something special and important to me. Obviously, this article is going to concern Delta Sigma Pi, the fraternity I have joined.  According to the DSP traditions, today was the event « Meet the Chapter« . After 2 weeks of recruiting, Meet the Chapter is THE event when all the potentials (business students who want to join the fraternity) can meet the brothers and also have an interview to get admitted in the pledge process.

This event was really joyful. After the Christmas break, students are not motivated to come back to school. Being together helps a lot! We could meet some new potentials and explain to them how the fraternity works. It was actually -25 degrees outside: it is almost impossible to stay out more than 10 minutes without freezing. Despite the cold temperatures, some potentials pledges braved the cold. I think thus people who came were really interested in pledging at Delta Sigma Pi.

In addition, Professional attire was mandatory: you can’t imagine how many girls were in the bathrooms to change their clothes! I was effectively wearing two sweaters, a jacket, one dress, a jean, a legging, my socks and my boots. I was glad when an IUPUI service employee gave me a ride to the business building. Americans are always helpful!

We took pictures and then, after interviews, we went to the Campus Center in the game room. We had such a great time there, singing karaoke, playing guitar hero and eating pizzas. I think that joining this fraternity was the best idea I have ever had since I am here.  I encourage you to follow DSP_IUPUI on Twitter if you want to know more about that.

PS: As you can see, I changed my camera for a new one… My pictures seem better, don’t they?

Concours écrits : J+1

EDC La Défense 

L’écrit est terminé.

Après 2 jours intensifs, enfin, les écrits des concours sont terminés. Bizarrement, ça ne me soulage pas… Je ne cesse de cogiter comme d’autres candidats. Je réfléchis : ai-je eu bon à ça ? Le correcteur appréciera-t-il ma copie ? Le stress est omni présent !


Arrivée à l’EDC après m’être perdue (meme si j’avais mon GPS iPhone !) à 7h35, tout était bien organisé. Je suis arrivée dans une salle en sous sol. Je n’ai pas tellement apprécié les locaux mais bon, à la Défense il ne faut pas s’attendre à de la verdure…

Nous étions classés suivant les options : dans ma salle devaient se trouver les « créativité et gestion de projet » et « lettre philo ». 8 copies étaient disposées, seules 4 seront utilisées car 4 sont absents et ne viendront pas au concours.

La première épreuve est celle de synthèse : « Médicaments et pharmacovigilance ». Aucune connaissance n’est à apporter mais il faut avouer qu’un sujet qui inspire nous permet d’être plus performant… Je ne sais pas quelle note viser mais je pense que tout s’est bien passé, j’ai eu le temps de me relire plusieurs fois.

La deuxième fut celle d’anglais. Difficile, imprévue. Certaines questions étaient apparemment des copier/coller de l’épreuve d’anglais de l’EDHEC. Cependant, après correction, je suis entre 10 et 11 J c’est une bonne note pour moi qui a eu beaucoup de mal en anglais. Aux entraînements je réussissais à atteindre 10 sachant que c’était moins dur que l’épreuve en elle-même.

Repas : un bon nous a été distribué pour un sandwich, une boisson, un dessert. Après 1h20 de pause pour se détendre, nous repartons dans nos salles.

Epreuve de spécialité, à plus gros coefficient. J’ai choisi créativité gestion de projet. Je suis fière d’avoir réussi à proposer ce que j’avais en tête d’après le sujet (lancer une gamme, ou non, dans le cadre d’une société familiale de maroquinerie de luxe ?) Mais il est extrêmement difficile de s’évaluer sur cette épreuve qui ne date que de 2009.

Pour finir, le test Arpège composé d’une épreuve de culture générale (moyen..), de mémorisation (bien réussie) de calcul (bof bof bof) et de logique (ca peut aller).

J’avais un bon ressenti en sortant et l’ambiance concours peu présente donc peu de stress.


Concours Tremplin 1 se déroulant à la maison des examens d’Arcueil. J’ai pris une chambre d’hôtel, retrouvé un copain sur place. Ainsi je n’ai pas été seule pour ma journée de concours et je pense que c’est important car on se sent moins seul, soutenu.

L’épreuve d’anglais fut relativement simple, plus qu’à Passerelle. J’ignore la note que j’aurai mais je l’ai plutôt bien sentie. Celle de Tage 2 (mémorisation, calculs, logique) fut mitigée, j’ignore si j’ai réussi. Quand à la note de synthèse j’ai réalisé une synthèse de 587 mots avec plan en 3 parties. J’ai bien bossé ma reflxion argumentée… Mais tout dépend du correcteur et des copies des autres !

L’ambiance concours est hyper stressante : je pense que le concours se joue aussi sur le psychologique. 200 dans une salle, règles très strictes, on doit poser les stylos dès la fin de chaque partie etc …

On verra bien.