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The main differences between France and the USA (Studies)- US side

I posted an article on the Kelleybizblog about the French side. Now, I think it would be nice for you to know more about the US Side.

First of all, when you get admitted at a business school in the US, you follow a program where you may be able to choose your classes. In addition, you can choose a class not related to your major. Obviously, a student can organize his class schedule like he wants to. When you only have 4 classes, I admit it’s very nice! A student might decide to be graduated one semester later in order to take less classes the semester before, if he knows he will be busy.

Then, exams are really different. In the USA, your exams last mostly 1 hour. Multiple-choice questions and short answer questions are asked. Sometimes you have to write more than that but it is rare. Your home assignments must be between 3/5 pages with a double space.  If you want to know more about grades, you can figure it out on my last article. However, I noticed that American people tend to study at the very last minute… not easy to organize your work!

Consequently, professors grade your exams quickly. I see a lot of American students who are looking forward to hearing back from their professor about exams. After one week, they are so impatient! In France, you have to wait at least one month to get your results. One month is generally the shortest time. I love the fact that you know if you have passed almost immediately thanks to this system.

Then, professors don’t change exams each year. There is actually a risk of copy but students have to give the exam back immediately after seeing it to the professor.

The main difference is about the price of the university. In France, universities are almost free for everybody (almost 300 euros for one year and you also have your health insurance provided). Buildings are not modern at all and it is really hard to find a printer for instance! You don’t have the best conditions to study but you can study anyway! I have to tell you one more thing: business schools are private in France so they are not related to universities. Business schools cost between 5000 and 15000 euros per year. Consequently, it is most of the time better to study there because you get better conditions to study and you get the network! In the USA, you pay 15 000$ per semester, and if you are an international student, it is the double of the initial price.

Last but not least, US companies care about your grades while they are recruiting. They usually require a 3.0 GPA which is not too hard to get if you are serious.  Your school and its ranking are not as so important. Then they look at your experiences and skills as well. Of course, it depends on the company’s culture and size. It is also common here to have a part-time job while studying. They are at the same time involved in student clubs. An american student life is so BUSY ! They all have one or two part-time jobs.

I would not say it is a better system than in France. It is merely different and I enjoy studying in a new and international environment. I hope I could provide you information about the US system. Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions!