Archives du mot-clé choice

Second semester is about to start!

According to my advisor, I had to take two classes in marketing (again). A student in marketing, Lydia, gave me good advice to choose them.  Even if my french school hasn’t checked them yet, I think they will be really interesting. This semester will be stressful because I don’t know my professors, how they organize their classes… My roommate told me they are really nice and available if you have some difficulties. As far as the second semester is concerned, I’m going to focus more on school but also on my gap year.  I have a clear idea as to what I want to do for this year. I would like to carry out 6-12 month assignments in a communication department of a big company or in an agency. As you can see, my schedule is unchanged compared to the first semester… the only difference I have is that my are classes on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Sans titre

  • BUS M426: Sales management
  • BUS M412: Physical and distribution management
  • AMST A303: Topic in american studies (the american society and its critics)
  • BUS F305: Intermediate corporate finance

It’s also time for me to realize that I just have one more semester in the US. I’m in the middle of the year.. (that’s  scary but it’s also very exciting!) I have planned so many activities and trips… I hope I could do everything I want to. I can’t slow down the time but… I can try to enjoy each day I will spend in this beautiful country.