Archives du mot-clé fraternity

Dinner with my DSP brother in Paris!

As you must know, I have been a brother of Delta Sigma Pi, an american professional fraternity for almost 2 years now. Time flies! I must admit I would have never imagined how great was this community!

I came back to France in May, 2014. It was terribly sad to leave my roomates, my friends and my brothers. We had a special link together. Delta Sigma Pi became a huge part of my american life. Every week, I had the opportunity to meet for a special executive meeting on Sundays and I also discussed with the brothers and the pledges about my culture, my life and my career.

Last week, I had the pleasure to have dinner with one of my DSP brother, Anna,  in Paris. She is currently in France for a Summer School in Strasbourg. This is how the exchange program works: American people come for 2 months while we go to the US for two semesters. She arrived in Paris on Thursday morning and I met her at the Anvers station at 7pm the same day… Anna was very tired but also excited to visit the city. We walk to the Moulin Rouge and then we got into the metro in order to go to the « Bourse » station.


Then, I took her with her friend Stephanie to a French restaurant named « Brasserie Gallopin ». She reminded me good memories, I was so nostalgic! They tried to eat snails! And actually, Anna loved them!  It was a great moment. Afterwards we ate delicious main dishes (fresh meat !) and we ended up our dinner with  fantastic desserts!

This moment shows me that people in the US were not only present for me when I was in the US. They are here whenever I need it. I hope Anna will enjoy her trip in France and above all studying at the EM Strasbourg school :) !!

Vous le savez sûrement mais l’EM Strasbourg organise des Summer School très fréquentes dans les pays étrangers pour permettre aux étudiants de venir étudier en France pour 6 semaines. Cela permet ainsi de renforcer les liens avec plus de 180 universités partenaires dans le monde ! 

Initiation Day (Fraternity Delta Sigma Pi)


Yesterday was my first initiation as a brother of Delta Sigma Pi. I should tell you that it is an amazing experience to be on the other side… It is less stressful obviously. I have never experimented something like that before. I will not explain to you what is exactly initiation in details because I am not allowed to. Indeed, being a brother is the only way to figure out what is the process to become a brother. That was my first and last initiation as a brother… so emotional! (Business professional attire was required)

Me and my chinese brother Zhenni

I could not stop thinking that I had just one month left here… Time flies. I keep in mind that everything is going to be over soon. American people tend to exaggerate by saying “this is the saddest thing ever!” This time, I totally agree with them… I don’t say that I am not happy to come back home. As a matter of fact, I miss my family and my country. However, this experience has been exceptional and I have learnt so much about me. Anyway, let’s talk about the initiation and stop digressing.

After 12 weeks of pledge process, which means “promesse” in French, the chapter determines if each pledge is ready to become a brother through a voting meeting. A few days after, the ceremony takes place on campus. As far as I am concerned, I got initiated in November during Fall 2013 but not at IUPUI. I missed that ceremony so I got to go on another campus at Bloomington. I was not alone so this experience allowed me to discover a new city! It was still Indiana University but another campus. Business clothes are almost always required as you can see on pictures.

All the brothers

What I can tell, and with a great enthusiasm, is that it is again a new event to meet people and to enjoy your time. I am really glad that I could meet my new brothers. Even if you don’t know them, you are related to each other through the fraternity. That’s it. Everyone depends on you and you depend of them.


After this initiation, we went to a social event mixed with Relay of Life. Relay for Life is a  overnight fundraising event dedicated to raise money for cancer research.

The opportunity to share great moments with your brothers and to support a noble cause is real. It lasts 10 hours from 5 pm to 5 am. I stayed a little bit but at midnight, my entire body was exhausted (and frozen!). After my great performance at the Zumba activity at 11:30pm, I almost fell down and then I decided to come back home. The brutal winter in Indianapolis is not totally over!

Having a rich social life makes you feel alive here. All American students are involved in at least one student club. If you have the opportunity to join one of them, wherever you are in the US, grasp it and be really involved. It is the “win win” principle: the more you give, the more you get. 

Pictures taken by Maria L. and Zhenni L.