As you must know, I have been a brother of Delta Sigma Pi, an american professional fraternity for almost 2 years now. Time flies! I must admit I would have never imagined how great was this community! I came back to France in May, 2014. It was terribly sad to leave my roomates, my friends… Lire la suite »
Archives pour la catégorie In English please ;)
My Nashville trip

I spent one week end in Nashville, Tennessee for Easter Break. I took the bus for 6 hours in order to come to the country music city. It was actually very cheap (16$) for a round-trip. Another exchange student decided to visit this city with me: Alexia, it’s her name, is currently studying at Canisius College… Lire la suite »
Initiation Day (Fraternity Delta Sigma Pi)

Yesterday was my first initiation as a brother of Delta Sigma Pi. I should tell you that it is an amazing experience to be on the other side… It is less stressful obviously. I have never experimented something like that before. I will not explain to you what is exactly initiation in details because I… Lire la suite »
The main differences between France and the USA (Studies)- US side
I posted an article on the Kelleybizblog about the French side. Now, I think it would be nice for you to know more about the US Side. First of all, when you get admitted at a business school in the US, you follow a program where you may be able to choose your classes. In addition, you can… Lire la suite »
100th article: « Meet the chapter »
Hello everyone, I am glad to write you a new article, the first one in the US for the year 2014 (Happy New Year!). I finally arrived last week to a -20 degree weather… I must add that American people have never seen such a bitter cold weather since 20 years. Well, for my 100th… Lire la suite »
Second semester is about to start!
According to my advisor, I had to take two classes in marketing (again). A student in marketing, Lydia, gave me good advice to choose them. Even if my french school hasn’t checked them yet, I think they will be really interesting. This semester will be stressful because I don’t know my professors, how they organize their… Lire la suite »
Christmas Party
Merry Christmas ! Last week, I organized an Ugly Sweaters – Christmas Party at my apartment. Of course y two roommates helped me to prepare everything. I decided to invite some friends to participate to a Secret Santa: what does it mean? Secret Santa means that each person has to bring one present. Then, we… Lire la suite »
Becoming a new brother of Delta Sigma Pi
Once I passed the final exam of the Pledge Process, I was relieved. I became a brother of Delta Sigma Pi on November, 7th, 2013, exactly 106 years after the creation of the fraternity. Since my initiation, I have had the pleasure to experiment what it means to be a brother. My roommate Maria, the… Lire la suite »
My favorite burger places
After spending three months in the US, I personally think that I am able to determine what are my favorite burger places. Ok, I haven’t been everywhere in the country but I went to Chicago last month, I also visited Toronto and I have been in Indianapolis for a while. The american food has not… Lire la suite »
Initiation: I do !
I have officially become a brother of Delta Sigma Pi, 106 years after the foundation of the fraternity. I came to Bloomington for my initiation at Indiana University. The Chapter Alpha Pi was very nice with me. You can see a picture of my big brother and me below (with the brother’s pin !) I… Lire la suite »